A Christian Homeschool Group in Madison, Wisconsin Homeschooling in Madison since 1985 Homeschooling in Madison since 1985 Homeschooling in Madison since 1985 Homeschooling in Madison since 1985

World's Fair & Service Project

Date – Time

March 13, 2025 – 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
110 North Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705 US
it will be held in the church gym

Additional Information

Our 9th Annual World's Fair & Service Project will be held on Thursday, March 13th from 2PM - 4PM at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 110 North Whitney Way in Madison.  

PLEASE NOTE:  You need to be a member of FISH to host a table at our Worlds Fair, but ANY HOMESCHOOLER is welcome to come and learn or give shoes for our service project! 

For the service project, we will be collecting used shoes for Soles for Jesus in Milwaukee.  If you are not familiar with SFJ, they provide new and gently used shoes to be sent to Africa and share the gospel with those who receive them.  Here is information on SFJ shoe drives.  

Our World's Fair is hosted by FISH Families who have learned about a country or state.  Upon arriving, you will be given a Passport with a number of questions that each family should know the answer to.  Each country will also have a food/snack and an activity.  Upon leaving, those who explored our countries will also receive a small gift of their choice. 

Please reach out to our general email box if you have any quesitons about this event!  [email protected]

If you would like to sign-up to attend to the Worlds Fair, plese sign-up below and you will receive a reminder two days before (however, this is not required to attend).   If you are a FISH member and want to present at the Worlds Fair, please see the FORUM post and put the country/state you wish to study there (to make sure it is not already taken!)  

Hope to see you at the fair!  


Cancel an Existing Signup

Deadline for Signup: 3/13/2025 at 12:00 AM CST

Email the Event Coordinator – [email protected]

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